Monday 6 January 2014

Symptoms of Shingles

When the chickenpox virus reactive it causes shingles. Usually pain is the first symptom of it.It is generally affect only one side of a body.A red rash typically follows.Band of pain and rash is the main sign of it.
Shingles develops in stages:

1-Prodromal stages-before the rash appears---

1-Pain, burning, ticking, tingling, numbness.It may occur on the belly, head, face, neck, or one arm or leg and one eye
3-Flu, chilli's, fever, headache
4-Fatigue, weakness of muscle

2-Active stage-rash and blisters appears---

1- The rash generally appears 2-3 days after the pain begins.It may take place on the forehead, cheek, nose, and eye
2- Fluid blisters will appear at first but may become cloudy 3 to 4 days
3-Blisters may break and crust over in 5 days.
4-Rash heal in 2 to 4 weeks

3-Postherpetic neuralgia-chronic pain stage(PHN)----

1-It is the most familiar  problem of shingles.It may continue for months or years  which is aching,burning in the area of shingles rash,pain that may occur linger for years,sensitivity to touch,due to pain it is difficult for the person to eat,sleep,,do daily activities.

There is vision problem may occur if shingles spreads to nerves that attach to the eyes. Pain, described as "piercing needles in the skin”.


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